Saturday, July 2, 2016

Pillowcase Tutorial

Hey everybody! Okay. So pillowcases are a staple beginner project for people when they start sewing. I've never given up on them, however. As a seasoned seamstress I still enjoy sewing a pillowcase because I love to sew. Anything. Sometimes you just need a simple, quick project to sew.
This project is for beginners and sewers of all kinds. I use the burrito method and like they say once I tried it I couldn't go back to any other method. This tutorial features Bari J's new Alphebet panels from her new fabric collection. Other letter fabric can be used as well as embroidery and other appliqué methods can be used to add a name to personalize your pillowcase. This tutorial features everything I've come to choose for homemade pillowcases:
-burrito style 
-one cuff (avoiding the thickness of a cuff and thin fabric strip)
-name (to personalize)
To Cut:
-24.5in by width of fabric for pillowcase body (I used Katy Jones fabric for AGF)
-16in by width of fabric for pillowcase cuff
(I used Katy Jones fabric for AGF)
-letters from 1 panel of Bari J's letter fabric(AGF fabric) or the letter fabric of your choice or fabric scraps for letter appliqué or thread for embroidery

1.To begin cut out your pillowcase body and cuff, then trim selvage edges, taking care that both pieces have the same width.
2. Add the name to your cuff by appliqué or embroidery of your choice whether that be by hand or machine. For this pillowcase I chose to machine appliqué the letters on leaving raw edges for a unique look.
3. Next, for the burrito method, pin one edge of cuff to one edge of pillowcase body right sides together taking care to ensure placement of name is in the direction you want. Roll the main panel like a burrito and then place the other edge of the cuff right side to wrong side of the pillowcase body. Re-pin now using the same pins and placement but add this new layer. Sew these fabrics together with a 3/8ths seam allowance. 
4. Turn the pillowcase out. The pillowcase body will now be encased inside the cuff. Press flat with your iron. Topstitch 1/4" with your choice of stitch whether that be a decorative stitch, straight stitch, or maybe a zig zag stitch.
5. Fold the pillowcase in half right sides together, matching all edges. Pin to ensure your cuff seams meet up and then sew with a 3/8ths seam allowance and/or serge the edge or use a zigzag stitch to finish the edge(optional).
Turn your pillowcase right side out, iron and fold or put it on your pillow. Your pillowcase is now complete! Yay! :-)
Here's my photos:

-Allie Ann :-)